Saturday, April 21, 2018

“Like a hired hand” / “Como gente asalariada”

A Revised Common Lectionary resource for April 22

Published on 4/17/2018 by Presbyterians Today magazine blog: One Church, Many Voices

by Magdalena I. García

Stained glass window at Burbank Manor Presbyterian Church, in Burbank, Illinois. / Vitral en la Iglesia Presbiteriana Burbank Manor, en Burbank, Illinois.

‘The hired hand, who is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away — and the wolf snatches them and scatters them.’ – John 10:12

Read the full lectionary passage here

We lock down churches
rather than share our facilities.
A hired hand does not care for the sheep,
it only cares about the pay.

We lock down churches
rather than let the community in.
A hired hand does not care for the sheep,
it only cares about the pay.

We lock down churches
rather than inviting the stranger in.
A hired hand does not care for the sheep,
it only cares about the pay.

We close down churches
rather than open the door to new neighbors.
A hired hand does not care for the sheep,
it only cares about the pay.

We close down churches
rather than welcome people of color.
A hired hand does not care for the sheep,
it only cares about the pay.

We close down churches
rather than allow immigrants to seek refuge.
A hired hand does not care for the sheep,
it only cares about the pay.

Forgive us, Good Shepherd,
for behaving like a hired hand,
turning our backs on your sheep,
leaving them abandoned to all sorts of perils,
instead of offering them sanctuary.

Remind us, Good Shepherd,
that we are not a hired hand,
and that our salvation is bound up with
the safety and wellbeing of others
because you created one human family.


“Como gente asalariada”

Un recurso para la liturgia dominical del 22 de abril

Publicado el 4/17/2018 por el blog de la revista Presbyterians Today: One Church, Many Voices

por Magdalena I. García

Pero el asalariado, el que no es el pastor ni el dueño de las ovejas, huye y abandona las ovejas cuando ve venir al lobo, y el lobo las arrebata y las dispersa. – Juan 10:12

Lea el pasaje completo aquí

Cerramos los templos
en vez de compartir nuestras instalaciones.
Al asalariado no le importan las ovejas,
solo le importa la paga.

Cerramos los templos
en vez de permitir que la comunidad entre.
Al asalariado no le importan las ovejas,
solo le importa la paga.

Cerramos los templos
en vez de invitar al forastero a que pase.
Al asalariado no le importan las ovejas,
solo le importa la paga.

Cerramos las iglesias
en vez de abrirle la puerta a los nuevos vecinos.
Al asalariado no le importan las ovejas,
solo le importa la paga.

Cerramos las iglesias
en vez de darle la bienvenida a la gente de color.
Al asalariado no le importan las ovejas,
solo le importa la paga.

Cerramos las iglesias
en vez de permitirle a los inmigrantes buscar refugio.
Al asalariado no le importan las ovejas,
solo le importa la paga.

Perdónanos, Buen Pastor,
por comportarnos como gente asalariada,
dándole la espalda a tus ovejas,
dejándolas abandonadas a todo tipo de peligros,
en vez de ofrecerles santuario.

Recuérdanos, Buen Pastor,
que no somos gente asalariada,
y que nuestra salvación está ligada
a la seguridad y el bienestar de los demás
porque tú creaste una sola familia humana.

© Magdalena I. García

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