Saturday, April 30, 2016

“From this womb”

A reflection inspired by the conference “Awaken Chicago”[i]

View of the center aisle in Rockefeller Chapel, the University of Chicago, site that hosted the opening and closing plenaries for “Awaken Chicago” . mig

by Magdalena I. García

From this womb
I was birthed into church ministry
twenty seven years ago[ii]
and now the water breaks again
and the labor pains return
and the birth canal opens anew
and I am launched one more time
into this journey of ongoing awakening
to the power of all people TOGETHER[iii]
to disrupt systems of ignorance and oppression
both internal and external
that perpetuate the myth of separation
by teaching us to fear
who we are and the other.

From this womb
I am now sent forth into public service
renewing the commitment to spiritual activism
connecting, learning, and acting
in collaboration with partners across the city
so that TOGETHER we may alter
the enslaving narrative of worthlessness and greed
and deepen our understanding of dignity and respect
in order to change the conditions
causing isolation, inequality and violence.

Awaken, Windy City, 
and listen to the voices blowing from your streets.
Awaken, City of Broad Shoulders, 
and embrace the challenges ushered from your streets.
Awaken, City in a Garden, 
and invest to eliminate disparity from your streets.
Awaken, My Kind of Town, 
and celebrate the transformation emerging from your streets.
Awaken, Chicago, 
and see the light of hope emerging from your streets.

© Magdalena I. García

[ii] In June 1989, I received a Masters of Divinity degree from McCormick Theological Seminary, a requirement towards ordination as a Presbyterian minister. The commencement ceremony was held at Rockefeller Chapel.
[iii] This line is take from the “Awaken Chicago” conference theme.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

“Lying there” / “Tirados ahí”

A resource for Sunday’s liturgy based on John 5:1-9

First published on 4/26/16 by Presbyterians Today magazine blog: One Church, Many Voices

Quilt featuring Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old African American who was fatally shot on February 26, 2012, by George Zimmerman a neighborhood watch volunteer, in Sanford, Florida. This item was part of the Annual Quilt Show at the United Church of Hyde Park, in Chicago, in 2014. mig / Acolchado que muestra a Trayvon Martin, un afroamericano de 17 años que recibió un disparo fatal el 26 de febrero de 2012 de parte de George Zimmerman, un vigilante comunitario voluntario, en Sanford, Florida. Este artículo fue parte de la Exhibición Anual de Acolchados en la Iglesia Unida de Hyde Park, en Chicago, en el 2014. mig

by Magdalena I. García

thirty eight years
lying on the floor
with healing delayed
for lack of a compassionate soul
that would put his body into the pool:
such was the fate of the man at Bethesda

thirteen months
lying in a grave
with justice delayed
for lack of a compassionate system
that would bring his case to a court:
such was the fate of Laquan McDonald[i]

countless centuries
lying in oblivion
with inclusion delayed
for lack of a compassionate community
that would offer a place at the table:
such is the fate of minorities in the church

God of Healing,
forgive us for denying resources
to those who wait to be made well.
Heal us from blindness and apathy,
so that all your sons and daughters
may stand up and walk.

God of Justice,
forgive us for denying due process
to those who demand to be heard.
Prosecute us for neglect and abuse,
so that all your sons and daughters
may live and thrive.

God of Inclusion,
forgive us for denying acceptance
to those who long to be welcomed.
Release us from fear and greed,
so that all your sons and daughters
may belong and feast.


“Tirados ahí”

Un recurso para la liturgia dominical basado en Juan 5:1-9

Publicado originalmente el 4/26/16 por el blog de la revista Presbterians Today: One Church, Many Voices

por Magdalena I. García

treinta y ocho años
tirado en el suelo
con la sanidad postergada
por falta de un alma compasiva
que metiera su cuerpo en el estanque:
ese fue el destino del hombre de Betesda

trece meses
tirado en una tumba
con la justicia postergada
por falta de un sistema compasivo
que trajera su caso ante una corte:
ese fue el destino de Laquan McDonald[ii]

incontables siglos
tiradas en el olvido
con la inclusión postergada
por falta de una comunidad compasiva
que ofrezca un lugar en la mesa:
ese es el destino de las minorías en la iglesia

Dios de la Sanidad,
perdónanos por negarles recursos
a quienes esperan ser curados.
Sánanos de la ceguera y la apatía,
para que todos tus hijos e hijas
puedan levantarse y caminar.

Dios de la Justicia,
perdónanos por negarles proceso legal
a quienes demandan ser oídos.
Enjuícianos por negligencia y abuso,
para que todos tus hijos e hijas
puedan vivir y prosperar.

Dios de la Inclusión,
perdónanos por negarles aceptación
a quienes anhelan ser bienvenidos.
Libéranos del miedo y la avaricia,
para que todos tus hijos e hijas
puedan pertenecer y festejar.

© Magdalena I. García

[i] A 17-year-old black male armed with a small knife that was shot 16 times by a Chicago Police officer on October 20, 2014. Video of the shooting, captured on a police car dashboard camera, was released to the public 13 months after the shooting and only after independent investigators demanded release of records.
[ii] Un joven de 17 años, de raza negra, armado con una navaja pequeña  que fue balaceado 16 veces por un oficial de la Policía de Chicago el 20 de octubre de 2014. Un video del tiroteo, captado por la cámara del tablero de una patrulla, fue divulgado al público 13 meses más tarde y sólo después de que investigadores independientes demandaran acceso al expediente.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

“By our love” / “Por nuestro amor”

A resource for Sunday’s liturgy based on John 13:34-35

A Christ the Redeemer monument with open arms and a heart-shaped wreath surrounding a cross at Montrose Cemetery, in Chicago, remind us of our calling. mig / Un monumento a Cristo el Redentor con los brazos abiertos y una corona con forma de corazón encerrando una cruz en el cementerio Montrose, en Chicago, nos recuerdan nuestro llamado. mig

by Magdalena I. García

not by our preaching
not by our teaching
not by our publications

not by our knowledge
not by our experience
not by our credentials

not by our historic confessions
not by our form of government
not by our legislative assemblies

not by our steeples
not by our pipe organs
not by our stained glass windows

not by our choirs
not by our recitals
not by our praise bands

not by our potluck meals
not by our bingo nights
not by our rummage sales

not by our silence
not by our apathy
not by our disregard

that’s not how the world will know
that we are Jesus’ followers and disciples
but rather by our caring presence
simply by our love

Caring God, forgive us for disobeying your commandment
and for failing to love one another
as you have loved us.

Affectionate God, help us to live in such a way
that the world around us is transformed
simply by our love.


“Por nuestro amor”

Un recurso para la liturgia dominical basado en Juan 13:34-35

Publicado originalmente el 4/19/16 por el blog de la revista Presbterians Today: OneChurch, Many Voices

por Magdalena I. García

no por nuestra predicación
no por nuestra enseñanza
no por nuestras publicaciones

no por nuestros conocimientos
no por nuestra experiencia
no por nuestras credenciales

no por nuestras confesiones históricas
no por nuestra forma de gobierno
no por nuestras asambleas legislativas

no por nuestras torres
no por nuestros órganos de tubo
no por nuestros vitrales

no por nuestros coros
no por nuestros recitales
no por nuestros grupos de alabanza

no por nuestras cenas grupales
no por nuestras noches de bingo
no por nuestros mercados de reventa

no por nuestro silencio
no por nuestra apatía
no por nuestra indiferencia

no es así como el mundo sabrá
que somos seguidoras y discípulos de Jesús
sino por nuestro cuidado presencial
simplemente por nuestro amor

Dios Cariñoso, perdónanos por desobedecer tu mandamiento
y por fallar en amarnos mutuamente
como tú nos has amado.

Dios Afectuoso, ayúdanos a vivir de forma tal
que el mundo a nuestro alrededor sea transformado
simplemente por nuestro amor.

© Magdalena I. García