Sunday, September 22, 2024

“A different kind of greatness” / “Un tipo diferente de grandeza”

A reflection based on John 9:30-37 / Una reflexión basada en Juan 9:30-37

Sculpture carved in Ghana that offers us an image of inclusion / Escultura tallada en Ghana que nos ofrece una imagen de inclusión

by/por Magdalena I. García

You invite us, loving Jesus, to practice
a different kind of greatness:
one that doesn’t polarize, but rather attracts,
one that doesn’t reject, but rather welcomes,
one that doesn’t divide, but rather unites,
one that doesn’t spare, but rather shares,
one that doesn’t trample, but rather protects,
one that doesn’t boast, but rather humbles itself,
one that doesn’t enthrone, but rather kneels.

You invite us, servant Jesus, to embody
a different kind of greatness:
one that does not consist of rungs and ladders,
but rather expansive circles of inclusion
where there is a place for each human being
and there is no room for exclusion.


Nos invitas, Jesús amado, a practicar
un tipo diferente de grandeza:
que no polariza, sino que atrae,
que no rechaza, sino que acoge,
que no divide, sino que reúne,
que no escatima, sino que comparte,
que no pisotea, sino que protege,
que no alardea, sino que se humilla,
que no se entrona, sino que se arrodilla.

Nos invitas, Jesús sirviente, a encarnar
un tipo diferente de grandeza:
que no consiste de peldaños ni escaleras,
sino de círculos expansivos de inclusión
donde hay lugar para todo ser humano
y no hay cabida para la exclusión.

© Magdalena I. García

Permission granted for liturgical use with author credit / Se concede permiso para uso litúrgico con crédito a la autora

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