Friday, January 25, 2019

“Anointed” / “Ungidos, ungidas, ungides”

A liturgical resource based on Luke 4:14-21

by Magdalena I. García

A rainbow with multicolored hands sits at the entrance of Rainbow Hospice, in Morton Grove, Illinois. / Un arcoiris con manos multicolores yace a la entrada del Hospicio Rainbow, en Morton Grove, Illinois.

Jesus said: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor.”
And God’s Spirit also anoints us today
to bring good news to the poor,
because in a world ruled by greed
too many die from starvation and disease,
or struggle to make ends meet.

Jesus said: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because she has sent me
to proclaim release to the captives.”
And God’s Spirit also sends us today
to proclaim release to the captives,
because in a world ruled by fear
too many are enslaved by ignorance and fanaticism,
and intolerance and hatred are the order of the day.

Jesus said: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because they has sent me
to proclaim recovery of sight to the blind.”
And God’s Spirit also sends us today
to proclaim recovery of sight to the blind,
because in a world ruled by violence
too many are discriminated and even killed
on account of their gender or the color of their skin.

Jesus said: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has sent me
to let the oppressed go free.”
And God’s Spirit also sends us today
to let the oppressed to free,
because in a world ruled by injustice
too many are policed and incarcerated by the state,
or bear the yoke of trafficking and slavery.

Jesus said: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because she has sent me
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
And God’s Spirit also sends us today
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor,
because in a world ruled by war,
too many long for prosperity and peace,
and the land awaits God’s promised jubilee.


“Ungidos, ungidas, ungides”

Un recurso litúrgico basado en Lucas 4:14-21

por Magdalena I. García

Jesús dijo: “El Espíritu del Señor está sobre mí,
porque me ha ungido
para anunciar buenas noticias a los pobres”.
Y el Espíritu de Dios también nos unge hoy
para anunciar buenas noticias a los pobres,
porque en un mundo regido por la avaricia
demasiada gente muere de hambre y enfermedades,
o lucha para que el dinero alcance hasta el fin de mes.

Jesús dijo: “El Espíritu del Señor está sobre mí,
porque me ha me ha enviado
a proclamar libertad a los cautivos”.
Y el Espíritu de Dios también nos envía hoy
a proclamar libertad a los cautivos,
porque en un mundo regido por el miedo
demasiada gente está esclavizada por la ignorancia y el fanatismo,
y la intolerancia y el odio están a la orden del día.

Jesús dijo: “El Espíritu del Señor está sobre mí,
porque me ha me ha enviado
a dar vista a los ciegos”.
Y el Espíritu de Dios también nos envía hoy
a dar vista a los ciegos,
porque en un mundo regido por la violencia
demasiada gente es discriminada e incluso asesinada
debido a su género o el color de la piel.

Jesús dijo: “El Espíritu del Señor está sobre mí,
porque me ha me ha enviado
a poner en libertad a los oprimidos”.
Y el Espíritu de Dios también nos envía hoy
a poner en libertad a los oprimidos,
porque en un mundo regido por la injusticia
demasiada gente está vigilada o encarcelada por el estado,
o cargan el yugo de la trata humana y la esclavitud.

Jesús dijo: “El Espíritu del Señor está sobre mí,
porque me ha me ha enviado
a proclamar el año de la buena voluntad del Señor”.
Y el Espíritu de Dios también nos envía hoy
a proclamar el año de la buena voluntad del Señor,
porque en un mundo regido por la guerra,
demasiada gente anhela la prosperidad y la paz,
y la tierra aguarda el jubileo prometido por Dios.

© Magdalena I. García

Saturday, January 5, 2019

“Hemos visto su estrella” / “We have seen his star”

Una letanía para Epifanía

por Magdalena I. García

La estrella de mi árbol de Navidad /// The star on my Christmas tree
“Jesús nació en Belén de Judea en los tiempos del rey Herodes. En aquel tiempo, unos sabios que venían desde el oriente llegaron a Jerusalén y preguntaron: ‘Dónde está el rey de los judíos, que ha nacido? Porque hemos visto su estrella en el oriente, y venimos a adorarlo’”. – Mateo 2:1-2, RVC

Hemos visto su estrella en el oriente,
y venimos a adorarlo.
Hemos visto su estrella en el occidente,
y venimos a adorarlo.

Hemos visto su estrella en el anuncio de las buenas nuevas,
y venimos a adorarlo.
Hemos visto su estrella en la denuncia de la injusticia,
y venimos a adorarlo.

Hemos visto su estrella en la práctica de la compasión,
y venimos a adorarlo.
Hemos visto su estrella en la condena de la explotación,
y venimos a adorarlo.

Hemos visto su estrella en el derribo de barreras,
y venimos a adorarlo.
Hemos visto su estrella en la construcción de puentes,
y venimos a adorarlo.

Hemos visto su estrella en la protección de los menores,
y venimos a adorarlo.
Hemos visto su estrella en el enjuiciamiento de los depredadores,
y venimos a adorarlo.

Hemos visto su estrella en el acogimiento de los desamparados,
y venimos a adorarlo.
Hemos visto su estrella en el desbancamiento de los acomodados,
y venimos a adorarlo.

Hemos visto su estrella en la travesía de los desplazados,
y venimos a adorarlo.
Hemos visto su estrella en la bienvenida a los refugiados,
y venimos a adorarlo.

Hemos visto su estrella en el cuestionamiento de lo normativo,

y venimos a adorarlo.

Hemos visto su estrella en la expansión de lo definitivo,

y venimos a adorarlo.


“We have seen his star”

A litany for Epiphany

by Magdalena I. García

“After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the territory of Judea during the rule of King Herod, magi came from the east to Jerusalem. They asked, ‘Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We’ve seen his star in the east, and we’ve come to honor him.’” – Matthew 2:1-2, CEB

We have seen his star in the east,
and we’ve come to honor him.
We have seen his star in the west,
and we’ve come to honor him.

We have seen his star in the proclamation of good news,
and we’ve come to honor him.
We have seen his star in the denunciation of injustice,
and we’ve come to honor him.

We have seen his star in the practice of compassion,
and we’ve come to honor him.
We have seen his star in the condemnation of exploitation,
and we’ve come to honor him.

We have seen his star in the tearing down of walls,
and we’ve come to honor him.
We have seen his star in the building of bridges,
and we’ve come to honor him.

We have seen his star in the protection of the young,
and we’ve come to honor him.
We have seen his star in the prosecution of predators,
and we’ve come to honor him.

We have seen his star in the sheltering of the destitute,
and we’ve come to honor him.
We have seen his star in the ousting of the affluent,
and we’ve come to honor him.

We have seen his star in the journey of the displaced,
and we’ve come to honor him.
We have seen his star in the welcoming of refugees,
and we’ve come to honor him.

We have seen his star in the questioning of the normative,

and we’ve come to honor him.
We have seen his star in the expansion of the definitive,
and we’ve come to honor him.

© Magdalena I. García