Sunday, April 21, 2013

Pet Loss Memorial Service

Pacco Precioso de la Mancha
04/18/2000 - 01/19/2013

Order of the Service[1]
April 20, 2013

Music to Gather

Opening Words
Pets play an important role in our lives.
In many cases, they are more than pets.
They become non-human family members.
When a pet passes away, there is a period of mourning.
One way to help deal with the loss
is by having a memorial service such as this one.
We are gathered here today to acknowledge the death
of  Pacco Precioso de La Mancha
who was the first non-human family member
adopted by Carlos García and Randy Ream,
and their special companion for 13 years.

And we are here also to honor the unique role
that animals play in our lives.
James Herriot, the Brittish veterinary surgeon and writer
best known for the series All Creatures Great and Small, wrote:
“If having a soul means being able to feel love
and loyalty and gratitude,
Then animals are better off than a lot of humans.”

And yet, not everyone understands that the loss of a pet can affect us deeply,
and sometimes we can be surprised ourselves.
Gathering for a memorial ceremony helps us
to acknowledge the significance of the loss,
to accept that healing may take time,
and to embrace the power of community to restore.

Light a Candle
Grief can be a time of darkness.
So we light a candle in memory of Pacco. 
El duelo puede ser un tiempo de oscuridad.
Así que encendemos una vela en memoria de Pacco.
(light the candle)

May the brightness of the flame remind us
that light always overcomes the darkness.
Qué el resplandor de la llama nos recuerde
que la luz siempre vence la oscuridad.
May the warmth of the flame remind us
of the love we feel for Pacco and other special companions. 
Qué el calor de la llama nos recuerde
el amor que sentimos por Pacco y otros compañeros especiales.
May the power of the flame remind us
that God give us strength on our healing journey.
Qué la potencia de la llama nos recuerde
que Dios nos fortalece en el camino de la sanidad.


+ Psalm 148
(Notice how all of creation praises God, and humans aren’t even mentioned until verse 11! The psalm mirrors the creation story in Genesis, but it also reminds us that, unlike humans, all other created things and creatures constantly praise God. We truly have so much to learn from creation and non-human creatures!)

+ “Psalm for a Cat Owner” 
(by Susan J. Erikson)[2]
I am your servant. You shall not want.
Yo soy tu sirviente. Nada te faltará.
You maketh me to lie down where cat hair abounds.
En lugares llenos de pelos de gato me harás descansar.
You leadeth me to pricey pet stores 
for toys and trinkets
to amuse and adorn your inner kitten.
Me conducirás a las tiendas de costosos juguetes 
y chucherías felinas
tan sólo para divertir y adornar tu gatito interior.
You guideth me to sunny spots for afternoon naps.
Me guiarás junto a lugares soleados 
para tomar la siesta de la tarde.
Yea, even though you walk on the kitchen counters,
fear neither rod nor staff, 
for thou art my heart’s meow.
Aunque camines por el mostrador de la cocina,
no temas ni la vara ni el callado, 
porque tú eres el maullido de mi corazón.
I prepareth a feast before you to tempt your capricious appetite.
Yo preparo un festín delante de ti 
para tentar tu caprichoso apetito.
I brush your coat with gentle strokes.
Yo cepillo tu pelaje con suaves caricias.
I dispose of your repugnant hairballs with practiced aplomb.
Yo desecho tus repugnantes bolas de pelo con versado aplomo.
My indulgence overfloweth.
Mi indulgencia está rebosando.
Surely warmth and purring shall follow you
all the days of your nine lives
Ciertamente la calidez y el ronroneo te seguirán
todos los días de tus nueve vidas
and we will dwell in mutual affection
in the house that once was mine.
y moraremos con afección mutua
en la casa que una vez fue mía.

Memories and Celebration
Although we are saddened by the loss of Pacco,
this is also an occasion to remember and celebrate his life,
and the special role that animals play in our lives.
At this time, you are invited to share a memory of Pacco,
or perhaps your own pet. 
It might be a special way you played, a particular nickname,
or something that you learned from your dear companion.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise God all creatures here below.
Praise God above, ye heavenly host.
Creator, Son and Holy Ghost.

Prayer for a Pet’s Memorial Service 
(by Suzanne C. Cole)[3]
God of all creatures,
ease our grief today as we bid farewell to Pacco,
whose passing leaves a gap in our family circle.
Dios de todas las criaturas,
alivia nuestra pena hoy que nos despedimos de Pacco,
cuya muerte deja un vacío en el círculo familiar.
He demanded so little of us—fresh water, food, 
a patch of sunlight for sunbathing, our presence—
and gave so much in return
—uncritical, undemanding, unlimited affection and devotion
for all of us.
Él requirió tan poco de parte nuestra—agua fresca, comida, 
un rinconcito soleado, nuestra presencia—
y a cambio nos dio tanto
—afecto y devoción sin críticas, sin exigencias, sin límites
para todos nosotros.
Greeting each day, each moment, happily on its own terms,
he showed us how to live in the present
rather than regret the past
or worry about the future.
Al vivir cada día, cada momento, felizmente
él nos mostró cómo vivir en el presente
en vez de apegarnos al remordimiento del pasado
o la preocupación del futuro.
He wasn’t perfect.
He embarrassed himself with accidents 
and destroyed a few things,
but we knew he never meant it maliciously.
Él no era perfecto.
Pasó la vergüenza de algunos accidentes 
y destruyó algunas cosas,
pero sabemos que no lo hizo con malas intenciones.
And his easy forgiveness of our flaws,
his inability to hold a grudge,
gave us an example of grace.
Y la manera en que fácilmente perdonó nuestras faltas,
su incapacidad para guardar rencor,
nos dio un ejemplo de gracia.
Creator, we’re grateful for being allowed
to share his life for our allotted time.
Creador, te damos gracias por habernos permitido
compartir su vida durante el tiempo que nos correspondió.
We will miss him bounding through our family life,
but he will always be present in our hearts.
Extrañaremos que no ande saltando por nuestra vida familiar,
pero siempre estará presente en nuestros corazones.


Placing of the Stone in the Garden

Blessing for Pacco
“At the Grave of a Fine Cat” 
(by Barbara Younger)[4]
May your whiskers be ruffled by only pleasant breezes,
Qué tus bigotes se agiten sólo con brisas placenteras,
May your bowls be filled with tuna and sweet cream,
Qué tus tazones se llenen de atún y dulce crema,
May your dreams be blessed with legions of mice,
Qué tus sueños sean bendecidos con legiones de ratones,
And most of all,
May you forever purr in peace.
Y sobre todo,
Qué por siempre ronronees en paz.

Blessing for Pacco’s Friends
“God in All Things” 
(by Meister Eckhart)[5]
Apprehend God in all things,
for God is in all things.
Perciban a Dios en todas las cosas,
porque Dios está en todas las cosas.
Every single creature is full of God
and is a book about God.
Cada criatura está llena de Dios
y es un libro acerca de Dios.
Every creature is a word of God.
Cada criatura es una palabra de Dios.


Liturgy designed and led by Rev. Magdalena I. García.
Service followed by lunch celebration and music.

[1] Ideas for the service taken from
[2] Taken from Animal Blessings, Prayers and Poems Celebrating Our Pets, by June Cotner. Harper Collins: New York, 2000. p. 38.
[3] Ibid, p. 90.
[4] Ibid, p. 97
[5] Ibid, p. 133

Sunday, March 31, 2013


By Magdalena I. García
Easter 2013

That’s what the eleven and others said
when the women came back from the empty tomb
reporting that Jesus had risen from the dead.[1]

That’s what Peter mumbled
as he ran to the tomb doubting the women’s witness
and looking for evidence to squelch their word.

That’s what most people still say
when women walk away from places of death
declaring that they choose to embrace life.

That’s what the church hierarchy still mutters
as it clings to tradition suffocating women’s voices
and seeking excuses to negate their experience.

That’s what the world’s elites still chant
as they abuse privilege and power
claiming that they act for the wellbeing of others.

[1] Resurrection account according to Luke 24:1-12.